HCR3 Online Registration

The Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) 3.0 platform is where coaches, players and safety reps will complete the team registration.

Creating a new profile

Before you can complete your team registration, you must create a new profile. Use the following link to do this.

Once you have completed this step, you can now complete the team registration.

Bench Staff Registration

Use the following link to register as a member of the team’s bench staff to the Toronto Nationals team.

Bench registration

Player Registration

Use the following link to register a player to the Toronto Nationals team.

Player Registration

Safety Rep Registration

Use the following link to register as the team’s safety rep.

Safety rep registration

Hockey Game World

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A sed a risusat luctus esta anibh rhoncus hendrerit blandit nam rutrum sitmiad hac. Cras a vestibulum a varius adipiscing ut dignissim ullamcorper libero fermentum dis aliquet tellus mollis et tristique sodales. Suspendisse vel mi etiam ullamcorper parturient varius parturient eu eget pulvinar odio dapibus nisl ut luctus suscipit per vel aptent fames venenatis leo ac ullamcorper integer mus condimentum rutrum.

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